The Long Dark - Greet The Bear Challenge                                BACK TO ALL CHALLENGES

We have all encountered a bear attack at least once if not more during all the times we have played The Long Dark (TLD).

In Greet The Bear Challenge, you will encounter bear attack/s.  That is if the Wolves or the Elements don't get to you first.  This challenge will create bear attack/s every time in the challenge.

How long can you survive after being attacked by a bear?  Can you survive multiple attacks?  Can you get your condition and or your clothing back to what it once was?


Rules for Greet the Bear Challenge

1.  Difficultly Setting. 

    a)  This challenge will be played in Interloper with default settings.


    a)  Throughout game play you may loot and find as much clothing as you can find. (i.e. multiple mittens, gloves, pants, hats etc.)

    b)  When you are ready to retrieve your first Emergency Stim or any stim after the first one, you MUST drop all of your extra clothing you have at a location of your choosing. You can only have one item in each clothing slot.  (Example:  There are only two slots for pants so that is all you can carry is two pairs of pants).  After you pick up the Emergency Stim and after the bear attack you can return to your clothing stockpile and replace any ruined clothing  that occurred.

    c)  You CANNOT craft clothing at anytime during this challenge.

  Bow and Arrows.

    a­)  After you have crafted your bow and arrows after your forge run, you are allowed to shoot wolves, deer and rabbits.  You are NOT allowed to shoot a bear at any time in this challenge with either a bow or the flare pistol. So no bear meat for you.

  Forge Run. 

    a)  After your forge run you must try to acquire an Emergency Stim at one the 9 possible locations
 (Ravine Basin, DP Lighthouse, Story Mode plane crash in Milton, insert other locations here) throughout TLD.

** Note:  You MAY acquire an Emergency Stim before your forge run but that may not be a wise choice.

5.  Emergency Stims.

    a)  You are only allowed to have ONE emergency stim in inventory at one time which must remain on you.

    b)  You may NOT stockpile stims or store them.  If you are looting a location and you spot an Emergency Stim that is in a random spawn location you must pick it up and put in your inventory.

    c)  Once you have acquired an Emergency Stim that is when the Greet the Bear Challenge begins.  Now that you have one Emergency Stim in Inventory and it must remain on you, the next time you visually see a Bear anywhere on any of the maps you must go and greet the Bear immediately.  (That is the whole point of the challenge is to create bear attacks).  You cannot wait for the bear to reach a certain destination which will benefit you so you must go and greet the Bear immediately upon visual contact.

The bear will naturally maul you and tear some of your clothing to shreds and pummel your condition if not kill you.  The Emergency Stim must then be used once you can get to safety. 

**Note:  You will only have to greet the bear if you have an Emergency Stim in inventory.  If you do not have one in inventory you do not have to greet the bear. 

**Note:  You cannot take off any of your clothing that you are wearing prior to greeting the bear.

  After a Bear Attack.

    a)  After nursing yourself back to health from the bear attack, if some of your clothing has been ruined, you can go to your stockpile of clothing if you have any and replenish your clothing.

**Note:  It may not be wise to harvest any extra clothing you may find during game play as you will probably need it in the future to survive the elements after a bear attack.

    b)  You will then go to the next possible location and pick up your next Emergency Stim.  Once you have done this, the next time you visually see a Bear anywhere on any of the maps you must go and greet the Bear.

**Note:  Once you have picked up all of the stims and survived all 9 bear attacks you have won the challenge.

This challenge is creating bear attacks to see how long you can survive them.  How many bear attacks can you survive?  One?  Two maybe Three.  Can you survive all Nine of them?  I would like to see that.  :)