The Long Dark -
No Forge Speed Run                                        BACK TO ALL CHALLENGES

Rules for The Rope Deployment Challenge

1.  Challenge will be played in ATDS (DeadMan) Mode.  Forging is NOT Allowed. All Graves must be visited.

2.  You must craft 1 bow and 2 arrows at the Trappers in Mystery Lake.

**Hint: You will need to find an improvised tool and 2 arrowheads to complete crafting.

3.  Once crafted, you must kill both bears in Mystery Lake with the bow and arrows ONLY.

**Note: You can use the flare gun on any wolf, moose or bear except the 2 bears in Mystery Lake.

4.  Take the two bear hides to the last grave in Desolation Point. Drop the hides at the grave then click on the last grave to record time.  This is a speed run timed challenge.

Completed Challenge and Time

DeadLikeMe - 18 Days, 04 Hour, 41 Minutes
** Streamer Name and Time Here
** Streamer Name and Time Here
** Streamer Name and Time Here