The Long Dark -
Wolf Coat                                                           BACK TO ALL CHALLENGES

Rules for The Wolf Coat Challenge

1.  You will play in ATDS DeadMan.

2.  You need to collect 3 Wolf skins from Wolf Carcasses and 1 Wolf Skin from a bow kill:

      a. 1 Bleak Inlet Wolf Carcass.

      b. 1 Broken Railroad Ravine Wolf Carcass

      c. 1 TWM Summit Container Wolf Pelt

      d. 1 wolf skin from an open field bow kill anywhere.  No torches or fires allowed.

** NOTE:  4 gut from the wolf carcasses must be used for the coat.

3.  You must forge at least 1 Knife or hatchet and 8 arrowheads. Craft bow and 8 arrows as well.

4.  Craft the Wolf skin Coat at Mountaineer's Hut.

5.  Once crafted, wear coat and travel to Ash Canyon to collect wolf skin from carcass in cave past Miner's Folly and bring the wolf skin back to the Mountaineer's Hut.

**Note: If wolf carcass is not there, you must kill a wolf in a struggle only and bring back the hide to Mountaineer's Hut.

6.  Save at Mountaineer's Hut to record time.

Completed Challenge and Time

PerfectTrip - 16 Days, 16 Hours, 50 Minutes
DeadLikeMe - 21 Days, 17 Hours, 49 Minutes